I have a love-hate relationship with name tags I hate
wearing them- the magnetic kind that pulls on your clothing or the sticky kind
that leaves a film on your clothing; but I love when other people wear them
because I am horrible with names (unless you are one of my board members, a
favorite person, or someone I have known for at least 10 years). I try and get
out of wearing name tags every chance I get.
This last week was our annual meeting and it is overflowing
with name tags people, food and speakers. It was a standard Farm Bureau meeting-
farmers and ranchers and food! For the first time in about five years I was
able to sit in on the keynote speaker. It was a great talk and I've been
thinking about it how one small comment or point made by a speaker is reinforced
through other conversations, observations or things you read in your Bible. Our
speaker planned to make an impact in the members and agents or at least make
them think but I don’t think he ever imagined that God would use a story and
point he gave to make a point or to reiterate what God had been trying to tell
The point was don’t judge others. It’s not my job- it’s His.
We are so busy as a society that we label everyone. I do it on a daily basis-
sometimes not in a judgmental way but I am always labeling or categorizing
people. For example- my friend Christi she has been an inspiration to me
through the way she is raising her family and all that she has accomplished in
her life. She’s tall, like 6 ft but I don’t call her my tall friend Christi-
she’s my vegetarian-friend- Christi I have my Cochise people, my Yuma people,
my Church friends, my book club ladies, Bible Study ladies, youth group kids,
and the groups go on. It’s not bad to group or label people sometimes- it helps
keep them straight in my head.
It’s wrong to label or group people when you are being
dismissive of them or think they won’t understand or that they are too far to
the left, right, or just not like you. In his talk, Matt told the story of
meeting a lady on a plane that definitely wasn't like him and was hoping that
he wouldn't have to talk to her. Fortunately they ended up talking and he made
a friend for agriculture. He encouraged us to reach out and talk to the people
that don’t look, act, or (eat) like us. We might make a friend or supporter of
agriculture. That’s my passion- helping promote and protect agriculture. I love
the life and people. I miss getting up at 2 am and checking heifers during
calving season, I miss riding and gathering cattle off the mountain, I miss
feeding cattle when it’s 5 below and your nose hairs are frozen and you can’t
really feel your fingers, I miss working cattle in mud in the corral because
that’s what you do. I would trade my life now for that in a heartbeat but we
need the city people (my neighbors) to help us. We are a small population of
people and we need our city friends and family to understand why we do what we
But here’s the lesson I've been thinking about. Yes, in
agriculture we need to reach out and talk to those that aren't like us- we need
them and I am willing to do that because I love agriculture and they need
agriculture to survive. But from my faith standpoint- why am I not willing to
talk to people who aren't like me. I spent the week of youth camp this summer
working in the inner city of Santa Fe, in a community that for the large part doesn't believe in God and doesn't have a relationship with Jesus. It scared
me. I was not comfortable with it. But why don’t I have the same attitude and
passion to talk about my faith that I do when I talk about agriculture? You
spend five minutes with me (30 seconds if you see me drive up) and you know I
am passionate about ag but it takes 30 minutes or more for you to know I love
Jesus. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Instead of thinking of new leadership training for my
members or a easier way to train them in a skill or give them information when
I go to sleep, I should be thinking of ways to reach out to others.All of these thoughts culminated when
Matt was telling his story. We need to be outside of our comfort zone to make a
difference. We may get rejected and we may lose people along the way but we
need to keep moving forward and keep sharing our story- weather that is
agriculture, faith or our passion but eventually someone will say the right words
to reach the right person who will then become sold out to the cause. We may just be the person who plants the seed
not the person who reaps the harvest.