Monday, April 02, 2012

Being Martha Rather Than Mary

A couple weeks ago, I attended our Ladies Retreat at church. When I found out we would be working and sharing in groups I was excited until I found out I couldn't pick who was in my group. Then I was uncomfortable. I am a social person once I get to know people but meeting new people is scary and I don't like it. One of the sessions was about doubting and another incorporated praying for those in our group. Thankfully I knew the other three ladies. We got to talking about steping out of our comfort zone and I starting thinking that I am much more comfortable doing what I am good at rather than doing maybe what God would like me to do. So...I am much better at being a Martha than being a Mary. Maybe I am a little bit of doubting Thomas as well. But I think as Christians we go through that from time to time. The one postive thing is that I won't have my doubts written down in the Bible for the rest of humanity to read about and to labeled as a doubter for one moment in time like Thomas.

So I will label myself as a Martha instead of a Mary. Mary chose to be sitting at Jesus's feet and to learn and listen to what he said. Martha was busy feeding people and making sure they were comfortable and that they had their water, coffee, or diet coke (if they had that back then, I am sure she would have offered it). She got upset that Mary wasn't helping her and doing what she thought should be done instead of stopping and actually listening to what Jesus was saying or in our case also doing as he instructed. Instead she focused on the task at hand or busy work.

So I've been thinking... I am really good at focusing on busy work or things that need to get done instead of stoping and being quiet for a time and focusing on what God is saying for me. Am I so busy that I am missing what God is saying to me?

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